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OI REALTOR, Агенција за некретнине, Шпанија, Каталонија, Барселона

Агенција за некретнине
Познавање локалног тржишта
Вештине преговарања
Процесна експертиза
(0 Прикази)
Кинески , Енглески, Француски, Немачки, Руски, Шпански

OI Realtor was founded in 2008, specializing in the most exclusive areas of Barcelona and features. Properties modernist Eixample, exclusive villas Sarria-Sant Gervasi and luxury apartments in Diagonal Mar. Since then, the company has experienced continued growth to lead the real estate market in Barcelona. We have all types of properties with high standards of quality and modern design.

Our team will help in the overall process of purchasing or selling your property in Barcelona. We advise all knowledge of the real estate market, as well as everything related to foreign investments and the sale of luxury properties. We can help you choose the property that best suits your needs or sell your home for the price that best suits your requirements. In Oi Realtor what matters is not what we do but how we do it.


Главна канцеларија
Барселона, Каталонија
  • Street Aragon, 307 bajos
  • +34 934592754
  • info@oirealtor.com
  • WhatsApp: +34 677909401
  • Радно време:
  • Понедељак - Петак
  • 9:00 - 19:00 сати


  • Издавање стамбених објеката
  • Продају се стамбене некретнине



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